So I've got to flash a new bios for my recently completed budget build gaming computer. This is my second system. Just needed something that will handle what I need at a low cost.
To properly optimize this system to get the performance I'm hoping for, I need to flash a new bios. This is something I've never done before and I don't know how to go about it.
Through a trusted computer builder, I was given a download link for the new bios. I have downloaded the file. It sits as a .rar file on my desktop.
I've gone into the bios and found where I flash the bios, but I don't know how to select this file as the file to update from and I'm just generally unsure of what I'm doing.
I also tried putting it on a USB and doing it from there but it didn't work. After some online reading, there's something about making the USB a pen drive or something. I don't know.
If anyone could tell me how to get from A to B with simple words, it would be so greatly appreciated.
Post Script
Before people put it in the comments, I know there's a risk of bricking the board if the power goes out.
The computer has a 4 core @ 3.00ghz, hd5850 black and really top quality parts. Cost less than $100 Canadian or $75 USD.
I can make a post about it if people are interested, but I would like to post specs and to do that, I need the proper bios.
Thanks to anyone who helps :)
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