jueves, 27 de julio de 2017

Samsung Chromebook pro or surface pro 4 gaming computer builder

I am going to be starting school soon and am looking to upgrade my computer setup...the idea is instead of getting a powerful laptop (MacBook pro, New surface pro, etc.) I will build a high end desktop, (7700k, gtx 1080ti, 32 GB ram, etc.) And have a cheaper laptop to carry around for notes and if I need to have access to more powerful applications I can remote desktop into my desktop. I originally was considering a refurbished m3 model surface pro 4 for $750 including keyboard but have recently thought about going with the Samsung Chromebook pro as it is newer and cheaper. Will I be okay going through my schooling with just a Chromebook and being able to remote into my desktop, or would I be better off getting the surface pro 4 that way I can do more on the go and not need to remote in as often?

submitted by /u/jacobdodds7
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/6px0w7/samsung_chromebook_pro_or_surface_pro_4/
pc building gaming

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