sábado, 1 de julio de 2017

2009 Macbook Memory Upgrade gaming computer builder

I'm checking out upgrading memory on an older 2009 macbook from 2gb to 6gb.

One option I'm looking at is this on amazon

The thing is, there are two or more almost identical options which vary in price only based on the description of the system they say they are for. For example. the PC2-5300 667MHz DDR2 SODIMM for Macbook Pro is cheaper than PC2-5300 667MHz DDR2 SODIMM for 2009 macbook.

Does this make sense? Is there any variation in PC2-5300 667MHz DDR2 SODIMM memory that would make it compatible with one system, but not the other? (Maybe dimension?)

I appreciate any help.


submitted by /u/megustarita
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/6kor73/2009_macbook_memory_upgrade/
pc building gaming

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