sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

Why Updates are Annoying gaming computer builder

Computers update from time to time to keep your OS up-to-date. The updates help your computer save from virus, hackers, and any vulnerabilities. However, they happen at times that you find inconvenience. They take a while to get over with.

Before I got a Mac, I used a Windows XP. When I purchased it back in 2005, the first few months were full of updates. They will be installed on my computer when I shut down, which is good. By the time I need to update the XP, the downloads happens during schooldays when I need the computer to see what homework I need to complete. When I restart my computer, the antivirus tells me to clean my computer and would take a long time to take.

When I purchased the Mac, some updates are automatic. However, some would need to restart my computer. When I restart, it can take up to 30 minutes to complete. When the computer completes updating, everything is on the screen.

submitted by /u/Gregheff
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/6jbhjj/why_updates_are_annoying/
pc building gaming

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