miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017

How many mounting holes does my motherboard have?! gaming computer builder

So, im about to build my first gaming pc and when researching i came to the conclusion that my motherboard being the MSI Z270-A Pro doesnt seem to have 9 holes? The case being the Fractal design S.

I have been studying the pictures and stuff of the MOBO and i cant see enough holes? If you look at this picture of the motherboard on google ---> https://www.google.se/search?biw=1536&bih=759&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=z270+a+pro&oq=z270+a+pro&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i19k1.767076.769872.0.770101.

You can see that there are 3 holes on the top with the one on the far right not looking like the other two, then 2 in the middle section and then two att the bottom and a third on the bottom right that isnt on the same line as the other two, is that a hole for mounting or does the motherboard only have 8 holes to mount on standoffs if you count that weird one on the top left?

I appreciate all answers and help <3 thank you

submitted by /u/C9Bjergsen
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/6pq01r/how_many_mounting_holes_does_my_motherboard_have/
pc building gaming

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