jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

Computer Upgrade? gaming computer builder

Hello! I have been using a computer for quite a while now with me adding some parts to it here and there however i am now facing the fact i need an upgrade. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/RedSlashStone/saved/yLfjXL These are my basic components and I am in need of an upgrade. I should upgrade my CPU motherboard and Ram. However I am not sure if the newer Intel cards would force me to reinstall windows. I would love help from anyone. I have a budget of 300$ and could maybe spare a bit more. I just want to run Overwatch as smoothly as possible. please help me.

submitted by /u/RedSlashStone
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/62j6x4/computer_upgrade/
pc building website

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