sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

Storage solutions for unused harddrives? gaming computer builder

Currently I've got a fair few harddrives that aren't in use. Previously I was using anti-static single drive cases, but it's gotten to the point where It's not very cost efficient to drop $5-10 every time I need another.

Does anyone have any suggestions for storage boxes (10,12,24 etc..). with pre-cut 3.5" foam and a lid. Anti-Static would be nice but not neccesary as they will be in anti-static bags already.

Something similar to This for example, but capable of holding more with less wasted space preferably.

submitted by /u/sakara123
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/6otqzj/storage_solutions_for_unused_harddrives/
pc building gaming

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