jueves, 27 de julio de 2017

Offline basic IT courses? gaming computer builder

My boyfriend has never really had a chance to use computers properly as his family could never afford one and he wasn't exactly the most studious kid when he was in school. He's now looking to improve his IT skills and build his confidence with computers so he can change job, really he only needs just the basics like Microsoft Office etc. Whilst his family now has a very basic laptop but they still haven't got internet at their house so it'd really have to be offline.

Does anyone know of any offline courses or books I can get for him to help him learn the sort of IT skills needed for a standard office job?

submitted by /u/PeaPodder
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from computers https://www.reddit.com/r/computers/comments/6pvjy0/offline_basic_it_courses/
pc building gaming

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